After church yesterday I had the best call from my daughter-in-law and grandkids in Longview, Texas. She had taken the kids by the park and stopped to play while their dad was on a Sunday morning fishing trip.
She quickly said "Just wondered if you want to Skype? We are at the park!" I love technology! Her iPhone in hand she connected to us here in Kansas and for the next 45 minutes Grandpa and Grammie (me) had a Sunday morning trip to the park with our grandkids.
We watched 4 year old Alex do his part for the environment and community by picking up old water bottles and assorted trash and put them in a dumpster. Something I am sure he learned in pre-school and is followed up at home by his mom and dad. He worked walking the park side to side looking for anything that might resemble trash in his four year old mind. He stayed with the task with the determination of a park employee only stopping once to say hello as a family passed by walking their dog.
Katelyn on the other hand kept her mom busy! Always on the run the 18 month old ran from climbing wall to slides, to swings with mom following fast with her camera on capturing the action on Skype. We were able to go down the slide, swing with her and climb those rock walls with the help of an iPhone! All to soon it was time for them to go, but what a great time we all had while we were together.
To grandparents who live so far away Skype is like a live scrapbook. A place to see new haircuts, clothes from their latest trip to Target, new shoes from Academy Sports, read them their favorite book or just be able to be a part of the day with your grandchild.
We have been Skype fans for years, long before Oprah made it famous, If you are not utilizing this amazing technology you must take the time to give it a try. A little Skype can take you a long way!
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